We are working on a new website for a client (will release URL soon) where they wanted a page for customer testimonials. One of the requirements of the project was to add a new div element in between testimonials on the page. We were using the Repeater element in Oxygen, however, this tutorial can easily be applied with the Easy Posts element.
While potential customers are reading testimonials, it presents a unique opportunity for us to slip information between the testimonials as a way to capture their attention and bring the visitor to a page that is important (in this case the donation page & adopt an animal page). If you look at the image below you can see what we mean by this. This is unique because as customers fill out testimonials, the two blocks we added (Donate and Adopt) stay in the same place and the testimonials move around them.

The code for the repeater function is:
And the code for the Easy Posts element is:
Amazing! Thanks for making this tutorial.
Do you have a tutorial on how to create the custom easy post; so I can create my own layouts? Or with repeaters?
Thank you!
If I understand correctly, you are asking if I can show you how to create a unique layout with the easy posts or repeater?
I'm sure we can put together a tutorial when we have a bit of time.
Thanks Dimitri for this useful tutorial.
You are very welcome Stéphane! I am glad it helped.
Yes, please!