step 1. ideation.
We sat down with Luke Knight to understand his vision and his goals for Vino Vagabond. He shared how he expects to grow his company and his target audience so we could create a website with his plans in mind.
step 2. compliance.
We worked directly with Luke to understand the compliance and regulations his website needed to follow for the alcohol industry. In addition, we conducted research to guarantee we implemented the software requirements according to the industry's standards.
step 3. creation.
Sigma 1 created Vino Vagabond's e-commerce website with the capability to handle e-commerce alcohol sales, pick-up orders, stock updates, and newsletter signups.
step 4. change in plans.
During the early phases, Luke soon found he was not able to keep up with the demand for his product and had to outsource shipping to a third-party company. We connected his website with a drop-shipping API to have seamless transactions.
in conclusion.
Vino Vagabond now has a strong website that can handle his high traffic and different order processing methods. The more software integrations and updates to his website, the more profit he made. After working with Sigma 1, Luke Knight increased his revenue by a little over 200%.