Websites Now and Moving Forward
It is now almost 2022 and you've probably realized that the quality of your website has a significant impact on your business. Most businesses realize they need a new website, but do not realize how detrimental this can be.
In this blog post, we'll go over more than 20 quick facts that will help you not only realize this problem, but give you the opportunity to fix them on your website (or you can just use our Las Vegas Web design services for a completely optimized, and customer-focused website).
Throughout the course of this blog we reference terminology that you may not understand. Make sure you read out post that covers all this terminology
Read Our SEO Metrics PostFirst Impressions
We've all heard the saying don't judge a book by its cover, and it's a great rule to live by, but current customers are ruthless when it comes to first impressions.
50 Milliseconds is All It Takes
Current consumers make up their mind about a website in less than 50 milliseconds - that's less than .05 seconds! The reason being is there are so many websites in the world today (actually more than 1.7 billion). Chances are, there are other businesses that offer a similar service to yours with a website that leaves a positive first impression on the viewer.
Keep on reading to see why these viewers have a bad first impression of your website.
38% Will Stop Engaging If Content or Layout is Unattractive
Let's say you escaped the .05 seconds of harsh judgment and the viewer starts to browse your website. 38% of those viewers will actually leave your website if they feel something is difficult to navigate, the layout is not properly curated, or a myriad of other issues listed below:
- Menu dropdowns are difficult to navigate, cluttered, or the dreaded disappearing act when you try to click on a menu dropdown link
- Spacing is too close together or too far apart leaving the viewer with a feeling of claustrophobia or not knowing if this heading is relating to the text below
- Fun fact, with DIY Web Designs, we use dynamic spacing to automatically calculate optimal spacing between sections, text, and images while also automatically adjusting for all different screen sizes
- Text lacking visual heirarchy. Visual hierarcy is when you can visually display which text is more important than others through the use of font sizes, colors, and font weights. Doing this properly will help guide the customers eyes to exactly what you want them to see
88% Will Not Return After a Bad Experience
Everything we have read so far shows us how bad UI/UX can be for your bottom line. Now let's say you manage you keep customers on your website despite a bad first impression and with a bad layout, they find what they need and make a purchase - 88% will not ever return to your website again after that. Even if you do manage to sell an item, you are missing out on a repeat customer.
Quick Tip: Make sure you follow the the basics in User Experience - Visual Hierarchy, Contrast, White Space, Accessbility and Alignment
Read Our UI/UX TipsConverting Visitors to Customers
Now let's say you have a well-laid-out design that adheres to good UI/UX principles, but you still cannot convert visitors to customers, we'll lay out some of the common issues that also take away from potential conversion rates.
Slow Loading Images
According to a study, 39% of people will stop engaging (i.e. leave a website) if the images won't load or take too long to load. Think about it, would you go to a store that has broken windows in the front, or if their cashier is nowhere to be found when you want to checkout? Probably not, the same way someone will not shop on a website if the images are slow loading or don't load at all. It shows a lack of attention and detail.
Quick Tip: Learn how to make your website much faster and pass Google's Core Web Vitals test to increase your search engine ranking
The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Google's Core Web VitalsMaximum of 2 Seconds
47% of users expect a website to load in less than 2 seconds. Here is a photo from Pingdom

As you can see as the load time increased the bounce rate significantly increased as well. If we look at 4 seconds, 24% of people left the website without any interaction.
Lacking a Call To Action
70% of websites lack a clear call to action on their home page! That means after someone has (briefly) vetted their website and has approved them as their choice, they have no clear way of getting in touch!